Wednesday, August 27, 2014

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Registration Guide Google Adsense account successfully Content

By: Unknown On: 8:06 AM
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  • Currently being brought up style offers money online with Google Adsense. You can see on the online newspapers, blogs are now the majority of them were put Google ads without going through an advertiser in Vietnam anymore. So how to sign up for a Google Adsense account and place Content on your blog. Their 99% guarantee successful registration you will ensure that if they share elements below.

    Some reasons why you can not register Google Adsense Account

    1. Using video, image copyrights
    2. To link to the page content piracy
    3. Content does not create value for the user, not the rich poor
    4. Not many web hits
    5. Source traffic comes from the program to pay for clicks, not natural traffic potential
    6. Keyword Spam, spam links
    7. Website contains malware
    8. The layout is not optimal, placing ads on websites, causing discomfort to the user

    Why is it difficult to register such accounts?

    • Accepted policy of rigorous google website
    • You do not understand the terms of google adsense
    • Not building a quality website content and form
    • Site content is not satisfactory, does not focus on the main content
    • Construction time and traffic is not large enough to register adsense

    Sign up Google Adsense, you need to prepare what?

    1 Content: Web Content

    Content can say is a dramatic and affected most of your income as well as playing Google Adsense site quality. Can you SEO SPAM extremely good or good, but the site does not have the quality of customer return rate is very low. These new entrants have your attention, do not go all the way to copy material cliché. The other day to month then you still do so, no income final rankings on the search engines, then lower then leads to discouragement and giving up. It only takes your time alone. This all happened largely because at the beginning you do not choose a topic that suits you. As soon as it detects inappropriate you are encouraged to give up and start again to avoid further loss of time.

    Some content requirements if you want to make more money with Google Adsense

    • The content must be entirely self-written, may not be copied or fried turmoil in anywhere.
    • The content must be of good quality, with the community, does not violate religious, political or tend to violence, terrorism ...
    • Images and Videos ( make money with YouTube ) in the article should capture, rotation or self-editing is best.
    • Normally, we should write about 10 to 20 quality articles that can register the Google Adsense account.

    2 The amount of incoming traffic to the website

    According to his research and discussions with a number of webmasters is to sign up for Google Adsense, each day should be between 200-300 visits visit. Google is very strict in considering the application. They always choose the reputable blog with high traffic volume and long for that place ads on it. This way, Google Adsense publisher won trust and help their customers better job of branding. So if your domain is under 6 months should not hurry because registration to make sure that Google will not accept.

    Ages 3 Domain

    A new website is, of course, poverty of content of the website if there certainly are not going to copy, not the hand they write spam that it is a hard process. Often the larger domain, the ability of 6 months registration will be higher, there are circumstances where the domain successfully registered 1.2 months

    4 Create page rules - privacy policy ...

    Currently Google has changed Terms and Conditions (ToS) Google Adsense. One of the articles is the publisher attend all programs should have "policy page - Privacy Policy". So you have to create such a page for my blog. You can visit any foreign websites Google Adsense advertising, you can see they have like About Us pages, Term, Privacy Policy ...

    5. Should Your Website

    • Structure blog / website simple
    • Page load speed (optimal extreme)
    • There are strategies used keyworks
    • There are strategies to build backlinks reasonable
    • Use Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics ...
    • Integrated sharing tools on social networks
    • Some interface optimized Google Adsense ads

    Some tips to help you sign up for Google Adsense Content Acc success

    Website you subscribe to the english website, the website content must be original and unique.
    • Fill out the registration information in the registration form honestly
    • You can sign up for Google AdSense through YouTube , then switched to type Content
    • Do not use Blackhat techniques because sooner or later, Google also knows

    What to do if Google Adsense account registration failed?

    Please register again because you can not reach the website of all the elements, so it can place ads, it is not effective. Reach a reasonable time is 2-3 months.


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