Wednesday, August 27, 2014

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Keyboard Shortcuts For IPhone And IPad

By: Unknown On: 8:52 PM
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    Keyboard Shortcuts For IPhone And IPad.
    Hey guys!!! The iPhone and iPad are used for typing upon occasion. It is already slow enough (when compared to writing on a desktop computer), which is why the iPhone and iPad programmers have added keyboard shortcuts. And why do we need this shortcuts? Because they help you to save a little bit of time and effort so that you do not have to go through any more hassle than is duly required

    Easily insert special characters into your text

    If you would like to use any special characters then you can use most of them with the keyboard alone. Each key comes with its own special character. All you need to do is press and hold a key to see what special characters it hides. You are then able to pick your special character. The characters are all related to the keys that you press. For example, if you press and hold “a”, one of the options is “à”. Just make sure that you keep the key pressed down until you have made your choice, or the selections will disappear.

    The dollar sign may be changed

    The iPhone and iPad works under the assumption that any monetary values will be in dollars. That is why the $ sign is the only one that is available on the keyboard. If you would like a choice of currency symbols, then press and hold the dollar sign key, and options will appear so that you can insert the sign for a different currency.

    Writing periods has never been easier

    If you are typing a sentence and would like to insert a period, such as at the end of a sentence or within an email address, you can do it by pressing the space key twice in succession. The next letter you write will automatically be capitalized, as the programmers assume that you are going to be starting a new sentence.
    To activate the function you cannot wait too long between pressing the space button. You need to press the button twice in a fairly rapid succession. If you can get the hang of using this function then it can save you a lot of time. Not only do you not have to press the period button, but it also inserts a space after the period, as pressing space again would be confusing. The auto-capitalized next letter is also a big time saver.

    Inserting the degrees symbol

    You can do this in two ways. On the keyboard you can press and hold the “O” for Oscar button, and the option to insert the degree symbol will appear. Or, you can press and hold the number zero on the number pad and it will show you the options for inserting the degree symbol.
    The degree symbol is one of the more notoriously hard to find symbols on both desktop computers and on phones, which is probably why the iPhone and iPad programmers have given you two ways to insert it.

    Apostrophes need not concern you


    You do not need to bother about adding apostrophes, because the iPhone will do it for you. Just type the word in without adding the apostrophe, and it will add it in for you automatically. You can still insert the apostrophe for words such as “its”, as it may not always insert one for the word “its” (and a few other words). But, in most cases it will insert an apostrophe for you.

    Quotation marks and hyphens

    There are different types of hyphens and quotation marks. You can see the full range available by pressing and holding the hyphen or quotation mark key. It will then show you the options for each.

    Making all of your letters capitalized

    You can do this the standard way by pressing and holding the shift key as you type your word. Or, you can set the “Caps Lock” function under the settings (from settings to general to keyboard). When this function is activated you are able to turn the Caps Lock on by pressing the shift button twice in succession. To turn it off you simply press the shift button twice in succession again.

    There is a .com key

    This is available for use if you are typing into the Safari browser. All you need to do is press the button (if it is available) to complete a web address.
    Are you using the Iphone or Ipad and know some few shortcuts that is not mentioned here? Or do have some questions on ipad/iphone shortcuts that you’d love to ask? Then please do by using the comment box below  and drop them.
    Do you have comments, thoughts that you’d love to share with us? Then use the comment box below to share it. Remember that your comments and thoughts are highly welcomed and appreciated.
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